Thursday, January 25, 2007

Update on the Monash Primary School and the Ten Percent Solution

Many residents of the Notting Hill Community are concerned at the closure of Monash Primary School and its likely sell off by the Victorian State Government for private speculative development.

Many has written letters to the local elected representatives and the Monash City Council expressing their concerns and asking what the Council intends to do about the change in land use and the consequences for the Notting Hill community.

We are happy to post your letters here and also the replies so all can be informed.

Last year one resident wrote to the Council and received this reply from Sharen Bradley – Manager, Development & Statutory Services – Monash City Council.

The letter reads:

I refer to your email addressed to all Councillors. On their behalf, I wish to advise you that the City of Monash has had no involvement or role in the decision by the State Government to close either the Monash Primary School in Samada Street or the Monash Secondary School in Duredin Street, Notting Hill.
These decisions have been the sole responsibility of the Education Department and the current State Governement.
Council is required to respond to any application that requests land to be rezoned under the Monash Planning Scheme. Assessment of any rezoning request and any future subdivision of the land includes consideration of the need to provide areas of public open space. The Planning Scheme only requires a developer to provide a maximum of 5% of a site as public open space upon subdivision of the land.
Council proposes to request any future developer of the Samada Street site to provide a total of 10% of the land as public open space. This may require Council to purchase the land in excess of the 5% Planning Scheme requirement.
With regard to the Monash Secondary School site, Council agrees that very careful consideration needs to be made in respect of the future use and development of this land. A significant number of issues, including the matters raised in your letter will have to be assessed prior to any decisions about the future use and development of that site.
In respect of the Monash Primary School site, Council is waiting for information to be provided to complete the request to amend the Planning Scheme. Council must then request the Minister for Planning for authorization to prepare and exhibit a Planning Scheme Amendment.
Immediately following that ministerial authorization, all residents of this part of Notting Hill will be formally notified of the amendment and will have an opportunity to make a submission to Council about the proposal. Submitters to the amendment will also have opportunity to present their concerns to an independent Panel set by the Minister for Planning which will advise Council on the content of the amendment and all submissions.
It is anticipated that this process will commence early in 2007.
If you any further questions in respect of the future use and development of either school sites or the amendment to the Monash Planning Scheme process please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Coordinator Strategic Planning, Mr Brian Goyen on 9518 3620.

So up from 5% to 10% - is this good and what are the responses from Notting Hill people?
Any comments


Anonymous said...

The acid test is whether the total allocated public space, 10% or whatever, is part of existing planning & development best practice, and if not why is the Planning & Development authorities not acknowledging the space gap and pro-actively responding to the matter. Planning and management decisions are made on facts, and when situations reveal the facts, it is not assumptuous that competent management & governance follow-up/s would take place ... waiting patiently to see that happen in public evidence.

Anonymous said...

Notting Hill definitely needs more public land for recreation. The land that is host to the former Monash Primary School includes the most beautiful example of truly native trees in the neighbourhood. It MUST be preserved and made available for the people to enjoy!!!