One of the last areas if not the last one of native or natural vegetation in the Notting Hill area is on the site of the Monash Primary School.
The long leafed box (Eucalytpus goniocalyx) are the remnant of the original vegetation of the area, as are the swamp gums (Eucalyptus ovata).
The trees are of significant heritage value as they predate the Westerfield Estate, and the University.
The trees are reported to be good health and are valuable because few healthy examples of the long leafed box remain in local council reserves let along private areas.
Also because the species are growing in clumps their seed and seedlings are genetically pure and they have not hybridised as other eucalypti species have. So the trees represent a valueable resource and a pool for propagation.
They provide a remaining habitat for our wildlife. A future bushland reserve would provide a cooridor linking Monash University's Jock Marshall Reserve, the Monash Freeway roadside reserve and Jells Park.
Picture from Lauren Gates
Link to more pictures
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