Monday, January 29, 2007

Our Natural Heritage

One of the last areas if not the last one of native or natural vegetation in the Notting Hill area is on the site of the Monash Primary School.

The long leafed box (Eucalytpus goniocalyx) are the remnant of the original vegetation of the area, as are the swamp gums (Eucalyptus ovata).
The trees are of significant heritage value as they predate the Westerfield Estate, and the University.
The trees are reported to be good health and are valuable because few healthy examples of the long leafed box remain in local council reserves let along private areas.
Also because the species are growing in clumps their seed and seedlings are genetically pure and they have not hybridised as other eucalypti species have. So the trees represent a valueable resource and a pool for propagation.
They provide a remaining habitat for our wildlife. A future bushland reserve would provide a cooridor linking Monash University's Jock Marshall Reserve, the Monash Freeway roadside reserve and Jells Park.

Picture from Lauren Gates
Link to more pictures

Monash Secondary College Theatre in danger

Michaela writes:

The Monash Secondary College theatre complex is an invaluable resource for several community drama groups including the Waverley Players.
With the closure of the secondary college by the Education Department, the theatre appears likely to be bulldozed to make way for commercial development of the site.
The theatre belongs to the Nottinghill community and the surrounding area of North Clayton, because the funds to build it were supplied not by the Education Department, but by the parents and friends of the school, many of whom still leave nearby.
Its current excellent state of preservation is due to money and labour contributed over the last few years by the Waverley Players.
There are no venues for amateur theatre in the Monash City precincts other than the college theatre complex. We understand that the Waverley Players have no alternative venue, and that the Knox Theatre Company is also keen to use the site.
We have contacted both the Monash City Council and the Education Department expressing our concerns in this matter, and we will watch with great interest future developments concerning the theatre and the secondary college site.
We would welcome contact with any other Monash City residents with an interest in preserving the theatre as a community resource.
Official Spokespeople for the Notting Hill Group are: Spokesperson for this is Prof Marian Quartly: M: 0403182701 or Melinda Ashton M: 0413 137 007
Jill Hiam's from the Knox theatre group can be reached at

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Political Represenatives in the Upper House

Since the last Victorian election in 2006 we now have new representatives in the state Legislative Council.
There are five reps for our multi-member division/region.
One of them is a Minister in the Bracks Government and has set up an electorate office in Mt Waverly.

Gavin Jennings, Minister for Community Services, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Deputy Leader of the Government (Council)
South Eastern Metropolitan (ALP)
Ministerial Office
Tel: 9096-8830

Electorate Office
4 Hamilton Place, Mt Waverley, 3149
Tel: 9888-1910

Inga Peulich, South Eastern Metropolitan (Lib)
Tel: 9783-1633
Fax: 9783-1192

Gordon Rich-Phillips,
Parliamentary Liberal Party
South Eastern Metropolitan
Tel: 9794-7667

The Honourable Robert Smith,
South Eastern Metropolitan (ALP)
President's Office
Tel: 9651-8675
Fax: 9651-8996
Electorate Office
Tel: 9776-1876
Private –
363 Stony Point Rd, Crib Point 3919
Tel: 5971-3867

Adem Kubilay Somyurek,
South Eastern Metropolitan (ALP)
Tel: 9794-0699

Babakiueria (Barbeque Area) in Notting Hill

Our little park is holding on. Valiant residents who gained a block of land for public use will be holding their regular community barbeques throughout the year.
The Friends of Berrydale Court have issued their invitations to all for 2007.

The Berrydale Court Open Space will be cooking on the following Sundays beginning at 1.00 pm.

4th February

1st April

24th June

5th August

7th October

9th December

All welcome. Please keep accompanying dogs on leads as per council regulations.
Put the dates in your diary.

Update on the Monash Primary School and the Ten Percent Solution

Many residents of the Notting Hill Community are concerned at the closure of Monash Primary School and its likely sell off by the Victorian State Government for private speculative development.

Many has written letters to the local elected representatives and the Monash City Council expressing their concerns and asking what the Council intends to do about the change in land use and the consequences for the Notting Hill community.

We are happy to post your letters here and also the replies so all can be informed.

Last year one resident wrote to the Council and received this reply from Sharen Bradley – Manager, Development & Statutory Services – Monash City Council.

The letter reads:

I refer to your email addressed to all Councillors. On their behalf, I wish to advise you that the City of Monash has had no involvement or role in the decision by the State Government to close either the Monash Primary School in Samada Street or the Monash Secondary School in Duredin Street, Notting Hill.
These decisions have been the sole responsibility of the Education Department and the current State Governement.
Council is required to respond to any application that requests land to be rezoned under the Monash Planning Scheme. Assessment of any rezoning request and any future subdivision of the land includes consideration of the need to provide areas of public open space. The Planning Scheme only requires a developer to provide a maximum of 5% of a site as public open space upon subdivision of the land.
Council proposes to request any future developer of the Samada Street site to provide a total of 10% of the land as public open space. This may require Council to purchase the land in excess of the 5% Planning Scheme requirement.
With regard to the Monash Secondary School site, Council agrees that very careful consideration needs to be made in respect of the future use and development of this land. A significant number of issues, including the matters raised in your letter will have to be assessed prior to any decisions about the future use and development of that site.
In respect of the Monash Primary School site, Council is waiting for information to be provided to complete the request to amend the Planning Scheme. Council must then request the Minister for Planning for authorization to prepare and exhibit a Planning Scheme Amendment.
Immediately following that ministerial authorization, all residents of this part of Notting Hill will be formally notified of the amendment and will have an opportunity to make a submission to Council about the proposal. Submitters to the amendment will also have opportunity to present their concerns to an independent Panel set by the Minister for Planning which will advise Council on the content of the amendment and all submissions.
It is anticipated that this process will commence early in 2007.
If you any further questions in respect of the future use and development of either school sites or the amendment to the Monash Planning Scheme process please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Coordinator Strategic Planning, Mr Brian Goyen on 9518 3620.

So up from 5% to 10% - is this good and what are the responses from Notting Hill people?
Any comments

Welcome to the Notting Hill Community Blog

The internet address for the blog is so you might want to bookmark it.
I am using and Google email for the site.
I have called it Notting Hill in Melbourne to deter traffic about that other famous Notting Hill in London and that annoying film of the same name that has that simpering actor Hugh Grant in it.
The blog has been set up for and by the residents of the suburb of Notting Hill to allow them to exchange information and news, and discuss issues affecting them, or of interest to the community.
Notting Hill is our cosy little suburb in the vast south east suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.
It is near Monash University and bounded by the freeways and arterial roads of the suburbs.
I will be putting up links about Notting Hill and invite contributions from anyone interested.
This weblog is under construction and probably always will be. I hope it will be built by all of us.

Users can have their say in several ways.

  • I will post news and items of interest regularly on the site. Users can then comment on the posting adding their voice and opinion to the conversation.
  • If people want to make a posting rather than a comment then they can email me at with their reports, items or concerns and I will put them up as a posting.
  • Alternatively if anyone wants to post I can assign authoring access to them to they can post when ever they want to and invite comments on their postings.

The blog is currently a public blog and we will see how it goes. If it is gets too much spam or misuse we can make it a private blog and restrict access to those who want it.
I look forward to putting up news items, copies of correspondence, statements, media releases, reports, advices, pctures and what ever else takes our fancy.