Thursday, March 29, 2007

More open space push - Local Newspaper

The Waverley Leader Newspaper publishes this:

More open space push
Andrew Miller
THE State Government and Monash Council should share the blame for the city's woeful record on open space and spend the millions reaped in developer contributions to secure more land, campaigners say.
The Notting Hill and Brandon Park resident action groups have questioned the council's decision to spend $4.3 million gathered from mandatory developer contributions in the past four years on upgrading parks, reserves and recreational facilities.
Notting Hill Action Group spokeswoman Melinda Ashton said the council should have used the money to buy more land.''Once again, the population is increasing and there has been nothing set aside,'' she said.Australian Research Centre for Urban Ecology figures show Monash has only 7.4 hectares of public open space for every 1000 residents one of the lowest ratios in Melbourne.
The Government is expected to this year sell land from five Monash schools, four of which have closed, and open space campaigners want up to 10 per cent set aside for parks.Council can take 5 per cent of the value of the land being developed or ask that 5 per cent be set aside for recreational use.Brandon Park Residents' Action Group convener John Shrives said the council should pressure the Government to set aside more land.
``The State Government is making a windfall from all these sales of land they bought for very little money,'' Mr Shrives said.''Council should certainly be working hard to encourage greater support from the Government before the land is subdivided, so the developers don't just give a little bit here and a little bit there.''
Mayor Tom Morrissey said the council had opted to spend the $4 million on park upgrades rather than buying more space because the land parcels offered were in unsuitable areas.

Couple of points of clarification from your blogger

The land was not necessarily purchased in the past - It was public land and used for schools - it always has been public land. All land began as Crown land in Victoria and remains so until sold off to private interests. This has been a preoccupation of Government in Victoria since 1830 after the Crown declared all the land as Crown land.

Not all residents think 10 per cent retained as public land for public use is sufficient. In the schools for sale much of the areas are already open space - formerly playgrounds and ovals. These areas have been used as recreational areas for children and residents and are now being sold off. The ten per cent figure is being promoted by councilors as a compromise - that is we are entitled to get 5 per cent back but we can be tough and get 10 per cent back.
Not everyone thinks this is good enough.


Anonymous said...

Mayor Tom is clearly ducking and weaving. Why so - is it becauase the Monash Council does not want to spend any more money on parks and their upkeep?
Major parks in Melbourne are funded out of a levy on water rates. This brings in more than $100 million a year. How much goes to the Monash area?

Anonymous said...

Geez - why should the council buy land - it has other responsibilites for streets and garbage and stuff.
You Nottinghill people are demanding and greedy. The Council cannot use ratepapyers money to just to make you happy. You choose to the live here Mate.

Anonymous said...

Hear Hear
What can be done with 10% of a school. Is it big enough for a public toilet

Anonymous said...

Did Major Tom checked the Monash 2012 - 2006 Update Report that said "As private open space is reduced in new smaller housing lot sizes, there is likely to be a greater demand for quality public open space. Opportunities to
expand open space in the city are limited by lack of available land and/or the exorbitant cost of large parcels set at market value "?

As school lands are crown lands, why should there be re-purchase offers to get back land that is rightfully ours in the first place. Even if Major Tom or Monash Council is presured/influenced by the Bracks Government to implement their Melbourne 2030 strategy plan, hence sell closed schools to avail land for refill development, policy 5.6* of Melbourne 2030 explicitly declares the State Government's commitment to improving the quality and distribution of local open space and their long term protection.

This rubbish of Labour MP Hong Lim saying that the Council has the option to buy the closed school site/s for open public space, and Council saying cant afford - cut the bullshit short guys and just explain/clarify the real agendas.

Note * - see